Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz Forschung Publikationen
SDG 13 - Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz


Nachhaltigkeitsziel 13 - Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz

Zeige Ergebnisse 41 - 60 von 774


The Influence of Wave Diffraction on the Motion of a Crew Transfer Vessel Behind a Monopile. / Meyer, Jannik; Grotebrune, Thilo; Wynants, Mareile et al.
Proceedings of ASME 2024 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering: Volume 5A: Ocean Engineering. 2024.

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/KonferenzbandAufsatz in KonferenzbandForschungPeer-Review

An early indicator index of tornadic storms for Euro-Mediterranean region. / Mihliardic, Omer Kutay; Sirdas, Sevinc Asilhan; Kaya, Serkan.
in: Natural hazards, Jahrgang 120, Nr. 4, 03.2024, S. 3363-3400.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

Hybridizing genetic random forest and self-attention based CNN-LSTM algorithms for landslide susceptibility mapping in Darjiling and Kurseong, India. / Moghimi, Armin; Singha, Chiranjit; Fathi, Mahdiyeh et al.
in: Quaternary Science Advances, Jahrgang 14, 100187, 06.2024.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

How Big Data Can Help to Monitor the Environment and to Mitigate Risks due to Climate Change: A review. / Montillet, J. P.; Kermarrec, G.; Forootan, E. et al.
in: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, Jahrgang 12, Nr. 2, 06.2024, S. 67-89.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftRezension in FachzeitschriftForschungPeer-Review

Socio-technical imaginaries of climate-neutral aviation. / Muehlberger, Clara Marie; Gruen, Lennart; Liefner, Ingo et al.
in: Energy Research and Social Science, Jahrgang 114, 103595, 08.2024.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

Students' awareness and conceptions of science-related communication mechanisms on social media. / Nehring, Andreas; Kresin, Soraya; Kremer, Kerstin Hildegard et al.
in: Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29.07.2024.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

Physically based heat exchanger sizing method for the thermal management system of all-electric regional aircraft. / Nozinski, Marius; Benam, Behnam Parizad; Servi, Carlo De et al.
in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Jahrgang 2766, 012101, 2024.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftKonferenzaufsatz in FachzeitschriftForschungPeer-Review

Relationship quality in student-teacher-dyads: Comparing student and teacher determinants in multicultural classrooms. / Paizan, Mădălina A.; Benbow, Alison E.F.; Titzmann, Peter F.
in: International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Jahrgang 101, 102006, 07.2024.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

Attitudes of political-administrative decision makers towards the implementation of nature-based solutions in water management–a case study on a hypothetical constructed wetland in the Tárcoles River basin. / Pätzke, Franka; Schulze, Christoph; Hack, Jochen et al.
in: Ecosystems and People, Jahrgang 20, Nr. 1, 2339228, 2024.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

An urban rivers renaissance? Stream restoration and green–blue infrastructure in Latin America – Insights from urban planning in Colombia. / Pradilla, Gonzalo; Hack, Jochen.
in: Urban ecosystems, 05.08.2024.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

Inorganic carbon is overlooked in global soil carbon research: A bibliometric analysis. / Raza, Sajjad; Irshad, Annie; Margenot, Andrew et al.
in: GEODERMA, Jahrgang 443, 116831, 03.2024.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

Multidimensional assessment of a Nature-based Solution for decentralized greywater treatment in Costa Rica. / Rubi, Maria Perez; Schiffmann, Conrad; Hack, Jochen.
in: Nature-Based Solutions, Jahrgang 6, 100156, 12.2024.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

Performance assessment of eco-efficient concrete with ternary blended cementitious materials considering the effect of binder component fineness. / Schack, Tobias; Haist, Michael.
in: Case Studies in Construction Materials, Jahrgang 20, e03154, 07.2024.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

Effect of Harmful Bearing Currents on the Service Life of Rolling Bearings: From Experimental Investigations to a Predictive Model. / Schneider, Volker; Krewer, Marius; Poll, Gerhard et al.
in: Lubricants, Jahrgang 12, Nr. 7, 230, 21.06.2024.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

Cover crops support the climate change mitigation potential of agroecosystems. / Schön, Jonas; Gentsch, Norman; Breunig, Peter.
in: PLOS ONE, Jahrgang 19, Nr. 5 , e0302139, 08.05.2024.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

Enhanced soil organic carbon stability in rhizosphere through manure application. / Shao, Guodong; Xu, Yi; Zhou, Jie et al.
in: Soil and Tillage Research, Jahrgang 244, 106223, 12.2024.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

Integrating geospatial, remote sensing, and machine learning for climate-induced forest fire susceptibility mapping in Similipal Tiger Reserve, India: English. / Singha, Chiranjit; Swain, Kishore Chandra; Moghimi, Armin et al.
in: Forest ecology and management, Jahrgang 555, 121729, 01.03.2024.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

Hard Shell, Soft Core: Binary Actuators for Deep-Sea Applications. / Sourkounis, Cora Maria; Morales, Ditzia Susana Garcia; Kwasnitschka, Tom et al.
2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2024. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2024. S. 9355-9361 (Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation).

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/KonferenzbandAufsatz in KonferenzbandForschungPeer-Review

Moisture and temperature effects on the radiocarbon signature of respired carbon dioxide to assess stability of soil carbon in the Tibetan Plateau. / Tangarife-Escobar, Andrés; Guggenberger, Georg; Feng, Xiaojuan et al.
in: BIOGEOSCIENCES, Jahrgang 21, Nr. 5, 18.03.2024, S. 1277-1299.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

Resilience Assessment under Imprecise Probability. / Wang, Cao; Beer, Michael; Faes, Matthias G.R. et al.
in: ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, Jahrgang 10, Nr. 2, 04024025, 01.06.2024.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review